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About Us

Aligned Family Chiropractic front deskAre you seeking better health without having to rely on medication? If yes, you’ve come to the right place! At our chiropractic office, we provide high-quality chiropractic care that’s natural and non-invasive.

Why We Chose Hexham

Aligned Family Chiropractic was established in September 2008. Belinda loves the sense of community spirit in our lovely town. “Its central position to many outlying villages made it a perfect spot to start our practice,” said Belinda.

Catering to Families

We designed our practice with families in mind. Our aim is to create healthy families through holistic healthcare. Babies and children always get the best results. Why? They have young elastic bodies. Little ones have also had less time to create problems from poor lifestyle choices and habits. As our children are our country’s future tomorrow, we want to get them healthy and keep them healthy!

Creating Health Through Education

Knowledge is power. That’s why we want to arm our practice members with information about making healthy lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, our country is not a well one as the rates of diabetes, cancer and heart disease are high.

Most ill health is due to poor lifestyle choices and habits. We are, therefore, committed to sharing information about how the right lifestyle choices can improve one’s quality and quantity of life.

Giving Back to Charity

Every Christmas, Aligned Family Chiropractic, in association with the United Chiropractic Association, is involved in charity drive called “Toys for Adjustment” where we give our practice members an adjustment in return for a toy of the same value. These toys are then donated to the Salvation Army’s Christmas Present Appeal, which distributes all donated toys to the families in our community that cannot afford to celebrate Christmas.

We also collect the toys on behalf of the Salvation Army from donations that our practice members make towards the Christmas Present Appeal. We have many generous and loving practice members.

Book an Appointment

Regardless of your health goals, please understand that we see ourselves as mere servants. You’re the boss! It’s your body, your health and your future. Our job is to offer you the finest chiropractic care possible. It’s up to you to decide how much of it you want.

Take that first step towards optimal health by contacting our Hexham chiropractic office to make an appointment!


About Aligned Family Chiropractic | 01434 605 688